condominium and HOA law in in Maryland and Washington DC


The Law governing Condominium and HOA governance in Maryland and Washington DC is found primarily in the statutes (“Acts”)and local laws discussed below. Also included on this page are community association laws applicable to housing cooperatives and time-share style condominiums. These links are offered as a resource to the applicable condominium and HOA laws in Maryland and the District of Columbia. A lawyer should always be consulted on in connection with applying these laws to your communities situation. The condominium and HOA attorneys at Cowie Law Group can assist your condominium or HOA with regard Condominium HOA Law matters.


In Maryland, condominiums are governed by the Maryland Condominium Act, homeowners associations (HOA’s) are governed by the Maryland Homeowners Association Act, time-share condominiums are governed by the Maryland Real Estate Time-Sharing Act and housing cooperatives (Co-ops) are governed by the Maryland Cooperative Housing Corporation Act. Links to the text of these Acts are listed below:

COWIE LAW GROUP Maryland Condominium Act and Homeowners Association Acts Booklet
Click Booklet Cover above for a copy of Cowie Law Group’s Maryland Condominium and HOA Law Booklet

The Maryland Condominium Act

Westlaw Link -Title 11 of the Real Property Article of the Maryland Annotated Code.

The Maryland Homeowners Association Act

Alternative Westlaw Link – Title 11B of the Real property Article of the Maryland Annotated Code

The Maryland Real Estate Time-Sharing Act

Title 11A of the Real Property Article of the Maryland Annotated Code.

The Maryland Cooperative Housing Corporation Act

Title 5-6b of the Maryland Corporations & Associations Article of the Maryland Annotated Code.

Additionally, individual Maryland Counties may have their own local ordinances that apply to community associations,. For example, the Montgomery County Code has enacted laws applicable to condominiums, common ownership communities, homeowners associations and cooperative housing in Montgomery County Maryland. Likewise the Prince George’s County Code has a local law establishing the Common Ownership Communities Program. in Prince George’s County Maryland.


DC Condominium Law Booklet for the.District of Columbia and Washington DC contains the DC Condominium Act
Click Booklet Cover above for a copy of Cowie Law Group’s District of Columbia Condominium Law Booklet

In the District of Columbia, condominiums are governed by the District of Columbia condominium act and horizontal property act. The District of Columbia Horizontal Property Act was enacted in 1963. The District of Columbia Condominium Act was enacted in 1976. Both Acts, as amended, apply to all condominiums located within Washington D.C.

The District of Columbia Condominium Act 

Title 42. Real Property. Subtitle III. Condominiums. Chapter 19. Condominiums. §§ 42-1901.01 – 42-1904.18

The District of Columbia Horizontal Property Act

Title 42. Real Property. Subtitle III. Condominiums.Chapter 20. Horizontal Property Regimes. §§ 42-2001 – 42-2051

NOTE: These codes and statutes that set forth the text the community association laws of Maryland and the District of Columbia may not be the most recent version applicable to your legal matter. Amendments to community association laws are made on an almost yearly basis and the amendments typically have delayed effective dates following enactment. Therefore it is important to check with a community association lawyer to make sure that you are viewing the most up to date law that affects your community association’s legal issue. Please consult with a condominium and HOA law attorney at the law firm of Cowie Law Group before relying on any of these sources.


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